Monday, July 21, 2014

Musings Of A Wistful Wanderer

So, I am going on a holiday in two weeks' time, and I am excited. The excitement however, is quite latent, and this, almost beats the purpose of this trip. I definitely want to travel and see new places, what I want additionally, is that delirious excitement one feels at the onset of something new.

I assumed I would feel it, that I am almost obligated to feel so. This trip is a fair number of firsts for me, first holiday overseas by myself, first long holiday post college with a friend, the first holiday I have planned and paid for myself... And yet, the giddiness refuses to envelope me! The rational explanation - not the first time I am travelling alone, or with friends, not my first overseas trip ever, not the first time I am taking care of myself.

There is one thing though, that I am counting upon, the beginning of the journey - the Bus terminal, the airport, the railway station. I believe, I will, like always, find that excitement and exhilaration that accompanies the take off, the first chug or the bus exiting the terminal, that feeling which sets something off in the center of ones' being, is almost addictive.

So here I am, waiting for that one emotion that I have been chasing, of excitement that freezes and thaws my insides at the same time, gives me goosebumps, adds that skip to my feet and twinkle in my eye.
here I am, wistfully painting pictures, dreams. Here I am, wistfully wandering.

(Written on 18th June,2014)